The show site will be available to exhibitors at 9AM, Tuesday. Dogs must be removed from the show site two hours after the completion of judging on Sunday.
The exhibition buildings will be open at 6:30 am the days of the shows. These buildings will be closed & locked after the completion of events. Lights will be turned off in the exhibitor area.
Cluster Office in Conference Center: 1-800-987-3247
Vehicles will be permitted to drive into two gates: lights will be left on while unloading.
EAST GATE: Reserved FREE Grooming Building Sheep & Swine 1 for unloading leaving lights on and park in North lot after unloading. All days. There is direct walk thru access at the North gate after parking.
Tuesday only! More direct access will be available through the East gate; follow signs.
NORTH GATE: Day Parking & outside walk-in gates and Reserved Paid Grooming. Drive through access at N Gate side is Tuesday Only.
Can access Reserved Free Grooming and Reserved Paid Grooming in McGill there.
ALL DAYS Drive up to Bldg for unloading on W side of McGill, at Carleton Gate at back of MMH & McGill – leaving lights on and park in North lot after unloading. Guard on duty.
DAY PARKING: - In North Lot behind the MMH building and the McGill Building. Enter via the north gate off Larry Walker Parkway. (Note: New Hotel Construction is going on now – follow signs to parking areas )
ADDITIONAL DAY PARKING:- Also available in the North Lot behind the grooming building (sheep and swine 1 building) There are walk gates all along the north end of the buildings convenient to the grooming building and the McGill building. This is convenient to Barn Hunt.
VIP DAY PARKING:-west side of Roquemore and McGill - Must have a hang tag. Parking is only for judges and show officials. Monitored by guards!
Enter the EAST GATE to unload for grooming in the Sheep & Swine 2 Barn.
• There will be 24 hour security.
• Crating space will be provided on a first come, first served basis.
• The grooming area will be set up in accordance with the layout on the floor.
• Name & local contact required on all crates. Tags available in Cluster Office or in grooming building.
• The Peach Blossom Cluster requires the use of crate identification/ locator tags. We will make every effort to provide a safe & secure grooming area; however, we cannot accept liability for loss or damage to any personal property or animals left unattended on show grounds.
• One X-pen per four dogs.
• No living rooms. No rugs! No Lounge Chairs!
• No strollers in exhibitor buildings.
• FOR SAFETY REASONS: While unloading you will be required to leave your headlights on.
• There will be no long-term parking in front of the grooming building. Vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense.
• There will be dog bathing facilities with hot & cold water in Reserved Free grooming building.
• All specialty group grooming area requests must be made with C J Favre (770) 889-8748, AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE SHOW.
• Pine sawdust will be available
• Each exhibitor is responsible for clean conditions in & around his/her area. A broom & mop will be available. The grooming area will be patrolled for cleanliness.
• 24 hour armed security at grooming building. in designated areas only.
• Temporary ringside crating in designated areas only, permitted 10 minutes prior to judging of the breed. Crates must be removed immediately upon completion of breed judging. No soft-sided crates ringside. No crates left ringside after judging - move to draped crating area. Due to fire regulations, no crates may be placed in center aisle of any building.
• Buildings are locked immediately upon completion of judging.
• Absolutely no golf carts, scooters, or skateboards within the walking concourse (around concessions & vendors). THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Golf Carts and mobility scooters on site must be registered with the Ag Ctr – see new rules at under “About GNFA_fairground policies tab”
• Designated parking spaces for Golf Carts must be observed for the safety of all
• It is expressly understood that exhibitors alone are responsible for the behavior of their dogs and/or children. Any exhibitor whose dogs and/or children create unnecessary disturbances or repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may, at the discretion of the Show Committee, be asked to leave the show site. In such case, no refund of any fees paid will be made.