Peach Blossom Cluster Committee
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to e-mail any of the committee members listed below JavaScript and pop-ups must be enabled in your browser. After clicking the link, you must enter a 'CAPTCHA' to view the e-mail link. This is done to protect the committee members from unwanted spam and viruses.
Cluster Chair: Mary Ellen Macke
Assistant Cluster Chair: John Barnes
Valdosta Show Co-Chairs:Jim Hill and Kim Lee
Atlanta Show Chair: Mary Ellen Macke
Combined Specialties Show Chair: Mary Ellen Macke
Judges Coordinator: Kathleen Steen
Vendors: Carl Vitner
Motor Home Parking: Jason Griner
Day & Grooming Tent Parking: Carl Vitner
Facilities & Grounds: Jim Macke
Grooming Building: C J Favre
Hospitality: Jerry Cerasini
Advertising: Ann Wallin
Site Plan & Special Events: Ginger Aldrich
Obedience, Rally, CGC, Trick Dog: Diane Pegram
Secretary: Ginger Aldrich
Treasurer: Lynette White
Valdosta Representative: Kim Lee
Atlanta Representative: Ann Wallin
Agility Chairman: Jim Macke
Barn Hunt: Jim Macke
Website: Tamara Brower