4-6 months puppy Match - Friday April 12, with Valdosta KC - Judge is Mr. Carl Vitner
4-6 months puppy Match - Saturday Atlanta KC April 13 – Judge is TBD
Some Specialties will have 4-6 puppy classes – check the Specialty pages
Staffordshire Terrier Club of America – 4-6 mos. puppy Sat & Sun
The Four-to-Six Month Puppy competition shall be for dogs that are four months of age and over but under six months on the day of the event. Classes will be offered for breeds and varieties and divided into Groups as described in Chapter 3, Section 1 of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows and the Miscellaneous Class breeds as listed in Chapter 3, Section 23. The Miscellaneous class competition will be the equivalent of Group competition and the winner will be eligible to compete in Best Four-to-Six Month Puppy in Show. The FSS competition will be the equivalent of Group competition and the winner will be eligible to compete in Best Four-to-Six Month Puppy in Show.
Section 2 – Entry and Eligibility
Entry and eligibility requirements include:
- The Four-to-Six Month Puppy event may be offered at licensed or member dog shows at the option of the show giving club.
- Four-to-Six Month Puppy Competition must be listed in the premium list, entry form and judging schedule, if offered.
- AKC registration number or an AKC litter number will be required for all entries of an AKC recognized breed as listed in Chapter 3, Section 1 of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows.
- A foreign born dog may enter this class if they are registered in the country of origin.
- FSS number or FSS registered litter number will be required for Miscellaneous and FSS breed entries.
- All entrants are to be vaccinated (including rabies) in accordance with their veterinarian’s protocol.
- Dogs that are owned or co-owned by a professional handler may compete in this class, but must be handled by a non-professional handler. Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay within the last five years. Dogs may not be exhibited by current assistants and household members of a professional handler.
Entries will close Wednesday Noon, March 26, 2025. at Superintendent’s office.